“I will prevent
disease wherever I
can, for prevention is
preferable to cure.”

Hippocratic Oath

Modern version 1964 by Dr. Louis Lasagna

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Mission and Strategy

Our Mission is to accelerate the discovery and development of new medicines that prevent cancer.

Our Strategy is to support research on prevention of inherited cancers as a path towards elimination of all cancers.

Our Vision is the elimination of cancer.

“One in 5 men and 1 in 6 women worldwide will develop cancer in their lifetime.” World Health Organization

“Thirty to 50% of all cancers are preventable through lifestyle changes and vaccination.” World Health Organization

Ten to 15% of people with cancers have inherited a mutation in a known cancer gene.

The most common hereditary cancer syndrome is Lynch Syndrome, which affects 1 in every 300 individuals.

Ninety-five percent of people without a diagnosis of cancer but who carry a mutation in a Lynch Syndrome gene do not know they have Lynch Syndrome.

This knowledge would allow them to take preventative measures and save their own lives.

There are approximately 20,000 genes and many intervening sequences in the human genome. We know a little bit about 4,000 of the genes.

For inherited cancer syndromes, we have evidence that 80 of those genes, when mutated, predispose to cancer.

Some cancers are caused by infectious agents and can be prevented with vaccines (HBV, HPV) or antibiotics (H. Pylori).

The economic burden of cancer care in the US is high and is projected to increase. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimated that cancer-related medical costs in the US were $208.9 billion in 2020. Cancer-related economic cost to the patient was estimated at $21.2 billion. – ACS, Cancer Facts & Figures 2024

One Arts Plaza
1722 Routh Street | Suite 770
Dallas, Texas 75201
Phone: 1-844-437-4891
Donate at Southwestern Medical Foundation/CPI
CPI is a 501(c)(3) organization 47-3425850 



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